Airdrop on MAC
AirDrop on Mac is a feature available on Apple computers and iOS devices that lets you move files between devices easily and quickly. It works via a wireless Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection, so you can transfer files even when there is no Internet access. AirDrop is very easy to use and allows you to quickly transfer files between devices without having to use cables or the Internet. This is especially useful when we want to quickly transfer photos or documents from one device to another. It can also be useful when we need to send a large file and have limited access to the Internet or want to avoid data transfer costs.
Airdrop on MAC – what do I need to do before I start sending?
To use AirDrop, both devices must have the feature turned on and be connected to the same Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network. Then simply drag the file to the AirDrop icon in the Finder or select “Send via AirDrop”. from the file context menu. A list of available devices to which you can transfer the file will appear. The selected device will receive a notification about the file shipment and will be able to accept or reject it.
Airdrop on MAC – what can I send?
Besides moving files, AirDrop can also be used to transfer contacts, maps, and other data from one device to another. To do this, select the appropriate option in the context menu of a given item or drag it to the AirDrop icon in the Finder.
AirDrop also allows you to transfer files from Mac computers to iOS devices and vice versa. To do this, both devices must have AirDrop turned on and be connected to the same Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network. You can then drag the file onto the AirDrop icon in the Finder or select “Send via AirDrop”. from the file’s context menu, and a list of available devices to which you can transfer the file will appear.
AirDrop is also secured against unauthorized access, so you can be sure that the files you transfer will not be received by third parties. You can also configure AirDrop settings to limit your device’s visibility to others or select contacts-only mode, so you can only send files to people who are in your address book.